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Travel and Leisure

Make Smart Travel Decisions With These Top Tips

When flying, always have a bottle of water handy. Drinking Fairfield to Airport plenty of fluids will ensure that your body stays hydrated during the flight. The air inside the cabin is extremely dry, playing havoc with your body. Don’t substitute alcohol or caffeine for water, as this can make dehydration worse.

Before travelling, make sure you check the projected weather for your destination. You don’t want to be stuck with nothing but winter clothes during a heat wave or only shorts and tank-tops during a blizzard. Purchasing new clothing while on vacation may not only be expensive, but you might not have room in your luggage to take everything home with you!

To save money when booking airline flights, check the round-trip prices — even if you only want to fly one way to a destination. Thanks to quirky airline policies, sometimes it’s less expensive to purchase a round trip to your desired locale than to fly one way. At least if that happens, you can save money by buying the round-trip tickets anyway and simply not take the return flight back.

Young women traveling alone may want to invest in a simple Book Now gold plated band or cubic zirconium ring. Wear the ring on your left ring finger which signals that you are married or engaged. This keeps potential suitor at bay and gives an excuse for unwanted attention in hotels, airports and buses. While it may seem a tad dishonest, it can keep you from getting hit on if you are alone in unfamiliar places.

For a trip to wine country or just a beach getaway, if there’s a chance you’ll be drinking wine, pack a waiter’s corkscrew. This tool will come in handy for the bottles you buy at the winery and can make picnics and hotel drinks much easier. A corkscrew can be especially difficult to buy when traveling abroad, so plan ahead and toss one in your suitcase to make life easier.

Have you ever thought of traveling overseas?

Always pack a map when you travel, even if you have a GPS system. GPS systems are not always reliable. If it were to malfunction or become broken, you would be lost. A highlighter can be helpful as well, allowing you to mark your map for easy reference. As a bonus, your well-used and marked up map, makes an excellent memento to remember your trip by.

Have you ever thought of traveling overseas? You might want to hold on to your traveling plans for awhile and go to farther and distant lands. Instead of taking two trips a year you can manage go on one trip for a year. Just make sure you keep an eye out for deals because you might get a really good deal on hotel and flight tickets.

Get in touch with someone who runs a local blog in your destination city. Most often, these bloggers are highly knowledgeable about the ins and outs of their city, and are happy to share tips or tricks, helping you get the most from your trip. Make sure to actually read their site, so you can comment or compliment them on it before asking them for help.

Always try the local cuisine when you visit a new destination. Part of a country or localities culture and lifestyle is in the food. You can’t completely experience these places without trying all that their food has to offer. Seek out the experience of locals and ask for their favorite lunch and dinner spots, then make several of those must-do’s of your list.

Do not inadvertently recline onto someone. Always check to see what the person behind you is doing, and politely ask if you can recline before doing so. Reclining your seat without warning results in spilled drinks, broken laptops, and injured passengers, so you may want to make sure that they aren’t doing anything important.

When traveling by plane, make sure to wear shoes that are easy to remove.  Once they come out of the scanner, you will be able to quickly replace them and be on your way.

You Don’t Need To Make Travel Mistakes Anymore! Read This!

Lots of folks view travel as a thrilling, educational way to investigate the world. Travel allows for the meeting of fascinating people and exotic cultures while providing much-needed relaxation time. Apply the tips that you have learned in the article on your next trip.

Dealing with airports is an unfortunate necessity of much modern travel. Pack an empty water bottle to fill after you get through security. This will save you from having to buy a $3.00 bottle of water after you get through the checkpoint. It also never hurts to pack granola bars, banana chips, or anything else to snack on between flights.

Write down your travel plans and leave a copy with friends or family. It is always wise to prepare for the unexpected. Should you go go missing, someone is sure to notice much sooner this way. Knowing what your plans were will also be very helpful to the authorities.

Search for discounts for all of your travel arrangements. Taking a trip provides you unlimited areas to save money in. In everything from the flight, to the rental car, to a walking tour of the city, discounts abound. Search online taking advantage of packages and check what deals are available to you through your credit cards and memberships.

Clothespins can be very helpful when travelling. They are often forgotten, but they actually can prove to be very useful.

Another good way to get some sleep on an airplane is by using headphones or ear plugs. This will drown out the constant engine noise and also the little kids and talkative adults on the plane. You will be able to relax and get some much needed rest.

If you’re going on a cruise

If you tend to travel a lot, a great thing to do is buy a postcard from every new location. Collect your postcards in a photo album (they are the same size as the average photograph) and write the dates on the back when you went there. Doing this will make your trip memorable and give you some nice pictures to look back on.

Spend more money on a better hotel than the one that’s cheap, but may be in a bad area. Cheap prices draw customers, but remember they also draw shady people too. Spend a few dollars extra and book a hotel that is in a better area with better reviews to boot.

Because security does not allow you to lock your luggage, you run the risk of the zippers coming undone and your belongings leaving a trail across the country and around the baggage claim. To help prevent this, use zip ties, which hold the zipper together, but can easily be cut off (with little cost to you) by security, if necessary.

If you’re going on a cruise, make sure you pack a power strip with you. Most rooms aboard cruise ships will only have one (maybe two) power outlets. If you have multiple devices that will need to be plugged, in you’ll be glad you brought a power strip instead of fighting over outlets.

Try to only bring carry-on bags. If you can travel light, you will not have to face the mess that is the check counter. Just remember the policies about weight, and be ready to buy toiletries upon your arrival to your destination. You can call your airline to clarify any specifics.

When you go on a trip, make sure to keep a detailed travel journal. Write down where you went, what you did, and how you felt about it. This will allow you to reference back to your previous experiences if you plan a new trip to the same destination. This way you can plan a trip including the best parts of your previous trips while also adding new experiences.

Business travel can seem overwhelming when you are on a budget. If you know you will be traveling for work often, make sure to have your travel plans done in advance. This will include all payments that need to be made while you are away. Planning ahead will help you to not worry the whole time you are gone.

When packing a backpack for your trip

Always have a copy of your passport available, and keep it a different location than your actual passport. In the event of a stolen or lost passport, having a copy will make replacing it much easier and faster. You can tuck a paper copy into your shoe or scan your passport and keep a digital copy on a small flash drive you can keep on a key chain or lanyard.

Airport websites may be a great place to get some really cheap tickets. The site will list all of different airlines that offer service there. Watch out for the list of fees that the airlines might charge you. It may end up nickel and diming you with baggage fees and some other fees and end up costing you more than the other airlines.

A great spot for budget travelers is Sarajevo. Completely affordable and so much to do, see, and eat here! Heavily influenced by Bosnian culture, experience sights and sounds of a foreign land and a lovely history. To fully experience Bosnian culture here, try to see if you could possibly stay with a local Bosnian family.

When packing a backpack for your trip, try to pack it smartly and securely. Try placing lighter items at the bottom and the heavier ones at the top. This will cause your backpack to feel lighter on your back and shoulders. It is also a good idea to place things that you will use or need on the top. Dirty clothes can be easily placed on the bottom too.

Don’t hold on to your frequent flyer miles for too long, since they may well expire before you get around to using them. Miles often expire 18 months after you earn them, so use them while you can. If you don’t need to fly, you may be able to trade them in for magazines or other rewards.

As you can see, travel is a wonderful part of life. If you use the tips in this article, your next trip will blow your mind.

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