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Why is flexible hybrid learning important for Higher Education Institutions?

Why is flexible hybrid learning important for Higher Education Institutions?

Difficulty in determining the progress levels of individual students in a class of forty or more students has been a prevalent issue. Also, previously summative examinations were the only way to assess their knowledge levels; however, assessments conducted twice a year provided an incomplete overview of students’ potential. 

Fortunately, the gradual evolution of education technology helped to change the academic structure and crucial institutional processes. For instance, student is no longer confined to the classroom, and modern strategic ones have replaced traditional teaching techniques. Institutes and teachers collaborate to develop unique instructional methodologies like hybrid or blended learning aided by appropriate technological solutions. 

What is Hybrid Learning? 

Hybrid learning is a unique technique wherein teachers infuse remote approaches into traditional face-to-face teaching/structures. The aim is not to replace the traditional face-to-face instructional approach; instead, the goal is to enhance the system by incorporating online assignments, individual research activities and completing projects independently. 

According to this structure, teachers introduce particular topics and provide assignments that students must complete at home. So, in the next class, they engage in discussions and question-and-answer sessions to clear doubts and establish a clearer meaning and understanding of the concepts. 

Why is Flexible Hybrid Learning Important for Higher Education Institute? 

A flexible educational system ensures the fulfilment of academic goals; learning gaps and outcomes are more likely to be addressed because it provides varied opportunities for teachers and students to engage. 

  • Advanced System 

Enrolling in a university or institute with the goal of attaining a degree does not guarantee a linear or smooth journey for all students. Moreover, it is far more troublesome for those who have additional responsibilities; working professionals often want to pursue higher studies, but it is not feasible for them to attend classes regularly. 

Familial commitments and work schedules might cause them to miss classes; however, blended helps to integrate a flexible system. Consequently, they can choose online or in-person classes according to their timing. Also, it will help to establish an advanced system because students can reap the benefits of virtual and traditional education elements. 

Moreover, there will be no compromise on quality wise; on the contrary, teachers can integrate additional resources to ensure comprehensive knowledge development. 

  • Self-directed Learning 

The traditional educational structure necessitates students to follow a pre-established system, wherein teachers take an active role while the students passively gather information. On the other hand, an integral aspect of blended learning is that students must do their own research and complete a given assignment. 

Teachers play the role of the facilitator; they provide timely guidance and offer sufficient support accordingly, and students do the needful. For instance, to progress as per the requirement of the course module, they need to create a schedule and follow it dedicatedly. Also, self-motivation is a critical aspect that propels them to be consistent in their journey. 

  • Efficient Progress Tracking 

Students are not the sole benefactors of the unique educational approach; teachers benefit equally from it as they get a convenient platform through which they can track student progress. For instance, to create a dynamic classroom session, they use advanced applications like higher education ERP which has integrated features, enabling them to keep track of students’ academic performance. 

In addition, they are able to determine the areas where particular students face problems and deliver effective solutions to overcome them. Also, students who struggle to maintain regular in-person attendance can communicate remotely without any issues. Therefore, students can relate their issues directly to the teachers, and the latter can cater to their learning needs. 

  • Equal Learning Opportunities          

A common scenario in an in-person class is that confident students don’t have issues expressing their doubts or sharing their views. Unfortunately, introverted or less assertive students usually shy away from taking part in discussions. But with blended learning, such students get the chance to participate in discussions remotely without being intimidated. 

Additionally, students facing physical difficulties find it hard to travel anywhere and continue their education. Therefore, blended learning is a boon for them, as it helps them to continue their learning from anywhere without travelling to the campus. 

  • Varied Learning Tools 

Conventional educational techniques will always be significant in the institutional system, but there is always room for improved methods. And that is precisely what the unique instructional approach provides: various learning tools can facilitate the learning system. Furthermore, teachers can use multimedia to conduct a dynamic educational environment, helping to increase student engagement and attain learning outcomes. 

For instance, online discussion boards, learning applications, podcasts, video-conferencing tools, pre-recorded videos, etc. 

Enhances Teaching Learning-

The hybrid learning method allows the institutes to implement new methods of education such as outcome-based education, collaborative learning, CBCS, and others. These learning approaches are mainly focused on developing skills and helping the students be ready for higher opportunities in the future.

Further, it helps the students to gain complete knowledge about various subjects and topics in their course. This enhances learning outcomes of the institute as educational methods in this are learning-oriented.

Moreover, the reduction in faculty workload for various monotonous tasks such as attendance, evaluation, and exam conduction is helping the teachers to focus mainly on teaching and guiding the students, enhancing their skills as well as the institute’s learning outcomes.

Gives Multiple Learning Sources-

In the traditional methods, took place in one way as the teacher used to give instructions to the students or deliver concepts and data in the classroom. This kept the source of limited to what is taught in the classroom and given in the textbook.

In the blended learning method, the students are given notes, study materials, and videos from various available sources on the internet. The students can find new sources and materials online and share them with other students. This opens various new examples, ideas, and perspectives for the students and they can choose the one that suits them the best.

Enhances Personalized Guidance-

The blended learning method helps the teacher to keep track of all students’ performance and progress over the years. It helps them to see all the data under one system and understand growth among students. They can compare results with previous exam reports or scores from years before. It gives a complete idea about the subjects and topics in which the student is facing a problem and helps them improve.

In Conclusion, 

Hybrid learning is an innovative and teaching approach that embeds virtual and in-person learning systems. It helps students and teachers engage conveniently and eliminates any barriers to collaborative learning. As a result, students can note gradual academic progress with time. 


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