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What is Peyronie’s disease?

Fibrous plaques, a form of flat scar tissue, develop under the penis’ skin as a result of Peyronie’s disease.

When the penis is erect, these plaques, which develop in the tunica albuginea, can alter its shape and cause a noticeable bend.

Peyronie’s disease is thought to affect more than 10% of men, though individual differences in the disorder’s severity can exist.

The prevalence of Peyronie’s disease typically increases with aging, with older men being more susceptible to the condition than younger men.

One study found that men entering their 40s and 50s are the most frequently affected by Peyronie’s disease. Comparatively, only 8.2% of men under the age of 40 are affected

The effects of Peyronie’s disease are diverse. First, the shape of the penis can have an impact on both the physical and psychological aspects of sex, from making physical contact uncomfortable to causing insecurity or an increase in anxiety symptoms.

On male sexual behavior, Peyronie’s disease’s psychological side effects can have a significant impact. According to research, many Peyronie’s disease-affected men express some level of worry about their sexual activity, confidence, and physical appearance.

Why Does Peyronie’s Disease Occur?

The precise cause of Peyronie’s disease is unknown at this time. The most recent research suggests that it’s most likely brought on by physical traumas that affect the erectile tissue in your penis, though.

These wounds, which can occur during sex or physical activity, can lead to internal bleeding within the tunica albuginea, the fibrous membrane that lines the inside of your penis.

This process may eventually lead to the formation of scar tissue, which is what gives men with Peyronie’s disease the bent or curved penis.

Some medical professionals also think that autoimmune disorders, which cause the body’s immune system to attack tissues and cells like the tunica albuginea, could be the source of Peyronie’s disease.

You may be more susceptible to getting Peyronie’s disease if you have any of the following risk factors:

having sex that is active or intense: Your penis may sustain microscopic wounds as a result, which could result in the formation of scar tissue.

Damaging your penis through nonsexual activity: For instance, some sports may also result in micro-injuries to the penis that cause scar tissue to form.

have erectile dysfunction and diabetes: According to research, diabetes may have an impact on the fibrotic process and cause Peyronie’s disease.Peyronie’s disease affects men more frequently when they are 50 years of age or older, as was briefly mentioned above.

have Peyronie’s disease running in your family: If other members of your family have the disease, you could be more likely to get it yourself.

Possesses prostate cancer surgery: Your risk of contracting Peyronie’s disease may increase if you undergo certain surgical treatments for prostate cancer, such as radical prostatectomy.

Peyronie’s disease symptoms

Plaques growing on the top or dorsal side of your penis are the most typical sign of Peyronie’s disease. Your penis may slant upward when these are present.

Approximately 70% of men with Peyronie’s disease have dorsal plaques, which cause their penises to curve upward. But plaques can also form in other places on your penis, resulting in a variety of symptoms:

Your penis has bends or curves. Your penis may curve to the left or right as a result of plaques that form on its side.

“Bottle-necking.” Your penis may occasionally become narrower and develop indentations in specific places, resembling an hourglass. Plaques that wrap completely around your penis cause this. It’s frequently referred to as “waisting” or “bottle-necking.”

Your penis has lumps: In specific regions of your penis, plaques can manifest as firm lumps. Due to calcium buildup, Peyronie disease plaques can eventually feel like they are made of bone. Peyronie disease may affect how well you perform during sexual encounters in addition to how your penis looks and feels.

Some men experience softer erections and other problems with erectile function, while others may find it challenging to engage in sex as a result of shape changes that can take place in their penis.

Peyronie’s disease is a frequent cause of stress, depression, and lowered quality of life due to its effects on sexual performance and enjoyment.
Although the Peyronie’s disease plaques can be uncomfortable and have an impact on your sexual health online and performance, they are benign and do not indicate cancer or tumors.

Medications for Peyronie’s disease

Peyronie disease has been treated with a variety of oral medications and supplements, but evidence of their efficacy is conflicting.

As a result, oral medications are frequently not used as initial therapies for Peyronie disease.

The following oral medicines and dietary supplements have been investigated as Peyronie’s disease treatments:

Aminobenzoate of potassium: This drug, which is a type of vitamin B, may help to lessen the size of plaques that frequently form in the penis, according to some small-scale studies. Potassium aminobenzoate does not, however, address penile curvature. Patients frequently take up to 24 tablets per day during their treatment with potassium aminobenzoate, which typically lasts three to six months.

dietary vitamin E: According to research, vitamin E may aid in the reduction of Peyronie disease-related plaques. Additionally, it might lessen the severity of penile curvature. Oral vitamin E is not any more effective than a non-therapeutic placebo at reducing the symptoms of Peyronie disease, according to some studies.

different medicines: It has been investigated whether other drugs, such as carnitine, colchicine, and the anti-estrogen drug tamoxifen, are effective oral treatments for Peyronie disease.

The majority of high-quality studies have not found a significant difference in effects when compared to placebo treatments, despite the fact that research into these medications is still ongoing.


Peyronie disease is relatively common, with researchers estimating that about one in every 10 men is affected to some degree.

Currently, the only FDA-approved medication for Peyronie disease is Clostridium histolyticum, which is available as Xiaflex.

Other treatments, such as oral medications or surgery, may also help to reduce penile curvature and treat issues such as pain and discomfort but are not typically used as first line therapies.


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