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Steps to Gather Secondary Data for Your Research Paper

Secondary research is when a scholar utilizes the already available information to research any given subject. In other words, the researcher is not directly involved in the data gathering and researching process, and is rather utilizing the information second-hand. In addition, the scholar collects, organizes, and analyzes the data to reach valid research outcomes. When conducting secondary research, different sources are referred to including libraries, government archives, textbooks, peer-reviewed journals, and the Internet. The goal of the secondary researcher is to apply the information to his particular research context by establishing patterns in previous research and addressing them through his own research.

How to Start Secondary Data for Your Research Paper

Secondary research plays a key role in composing expository, narrative, argumentative, and analytical essays. You can also hire the services of an expert essay writer if you are unable to do secondary research for your assignment due to any constraints. In some cases, secondary researchers adopt primary research by assessing and identifying gaps in previous studies. Beginners in academic writing may be unfamiliar with the various methods of secondary research. Some steps will be discussed to help you in conducting secondary research effectively, as a beginner.

Unlike primary research which creates a new pool of data, secondary research is the gathering of already-existing data from different sources. The Internet is a great source of collecting secondary data for your research paper. You can easily obtain online available data through the internet. It offers a large pool of easily accessible data. This step of gathering secondary data for the research is currently more popular since every individual has access to the internet, and you won’t have to go to a local library for it.

One of the traditional ways for gathering secondary data for your research paper is through books. Nowadays, you can just think of a topic and you will find a book written on that topic. All you have to do is look for a book on your research topic in the book depository.

Another way to gather secondary data for your research paper is by going through published sources that may be electronic or printed. You can find a variety of such sources for your research topic. Depending on the publisher and the author, published sources may be free or paid. When gathering secondary data for the research paper, scholars rely more on journal articles than books since journals are increasingly becoming important. Thus, looking for data from journals could be a useful step to gather secondary data for your research paper.

However, data obtained from websites may or may not be authentic. Nonetheless, there are government websites from which you can gather verified data for the research paper. For instance, if you are researching the influenza virus, you can refer to the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Many scholars might find these technicalities difficult to follow. The gathering of secondary data is part of research that most students are unfamiliar with. Many paper writing service providers across the globe can do this job for you. They will gather secondary data for your research paper and also write you a good-quality paper. Among the different types of essays, the demand of having a good interesting reflective essay is also requested by different students. A reflective essay is an essay in which the writer shares any experience or teachings he acquired from a certain experience. Reflective essays need to be concise and informative.

Many governments and non-government archives also contain valid information which you can gather as secondary data for your research paper. However, this step may have a limitation. Several factors restrict access to such data. This assisted me in achieving good feedback from the client and also satisfying the company with my performance.

Nonetheless, there are plenty of steps to gather secondary data for your research paper. You can also refer to public libraries where you can find previous publications that may prove to be helpful in your research. There are a lot of documents in public libraries that contain rich information. They have newsletters, business directories, and government publications. Thus, going through documents from public libraries is another useful step when gathering secondary data for your research paper. Researchers overlook the importance of educational institutions when gathering secondary data for the research paper.


For them, government records are a great source of gathering authentic secondary data for their research papers. These records may include education institute records, health records, census data, etc. These steps included ways of looking for content from multiple sources that may help students in the process of gathering secondary data for the research paper.

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