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Health and Fitness

Achieving Optimal Health through Medical Wellness

Without good health, nothing in life can be accomplished. Health is probably the most important thing in your life, after love.

However, if you are reading this article, there is a good chance that you are in need of health service to tackle the issues. On the other hand, you might not be struggling at all; rather, you might just want to improve your overall health.

It’s not just you.

The sad truth is that you probably have inaccurate health information. Several people too. It’s possible that someone told you:

  • To lose weight, you need to exercise more.
  • Each day, you should consume 3-5 servings of grains.
  • The sun is harmful to your health.
  • it’s o.k. to improve their sleep by taking melatonin supplements at night.
  • Stress is a necessary component of modern life.

All of these assertions are either completely false or based on half-truths.

However, what exactly do we mean by medical wellness? Health is more than just surviving; it’s more than just staying alive. Not just getting by is what we mean.

To us, health is more than just surviving; it’s also thriving, and wellness in attaining optimal health.


What is Optimal Health?

Having excess wellness is a sign of optimal health. You have reserve funds. You are prepared to begin the day. That rush of excitement is coursing through you. You can keep going. You literally have too much energy.

How can you tell if you’re in good health? Give answers to these broader inquiries:

  • How do you go to bed?
  • How much energy do you have throughout the day?
  • How quickly can you move?
  • What’s going on?
  • How’s your immune system doing?

“GREAT!” ought to be the response.

You are not in optimal health if you respond “great” to these questions.

The importance of taking a long-term approach to health if you want to achieve optimal health, you must also take a long-term approach. For most people, optimal health is not a quick fix that can be easily achieved.


You won’t get rid of stress in a day, you won’t be at your best fitness level in a month, and you won’t beat insomnia even if you make a few small changes. You can’t lose a lot of body fat in a healthy way in a month either—just think about how long it took you to put on that extra weight!

And so on. Be aware that if you want to achieve optimal health, you’re in it for the long haul. Aiming for optimal health requires a long-term commitment.


Three Stages of Health 

Let’s take a look at the three stages of health that most people go through. These stages are merely a conceptual tool to help you comprehend health better and even take help from medical services:


  • The First Stage of Health: 

Depending on where you are in this first stage, you could be in very good health, optimal health, or good health. In this stage, my content on this website will be very helpful, such as by preventing you from getting sick in the first place. Recognize that almost everyone in contemporary society has the ability to improve their health.

The majority of your time in stage one is spent enhancing your health and preventing diseases. We believe that prevention is greatly undervalued. One of the best things you can do for your life is invested in your health.

At this stage, investing in your health will pay off for the rest of your life.


  • The Second Stage of Health: 

Your health will be average or poor during this stage. You are fortunate not to be dealing with a very serious illness at this time.

The majority of adults, in our opinion, are at this stage. Although they are not ill, they are definitely not in their best health.

You can reverse the situation and achieve good or optimal health if you are at this stage. However, it does require time, effort, discipline, and the appropriate protocols.

If you believe you are in this stage, you should put your health first right away, before you reach the third stage.


  • The Third Stage of Health:

Nobody wants to be in this situation. However, many do. At this point, people realize they should have taken better care of their health years ago.

It can be extremely difficult, and in some cases impossible, to recover from illness. A hospital is probably best for you if you are seriously ill and your need to get the best medical service. At this stage, a few dietary changes, mental shifts, and adjustments to one’s lifestyle are not going to reverse a disease

However, these modifications might be able to assist you in managing the signs and symptoms of your illness. Moreover, at the very least, bring some vitality back into your day-to-day life.


Why is it Necessary for Nearly Everyone to Improve Their Health to be a Priority for Everyone?

Do you recall that we stated that your health and love are your most valuable assets?

For now, put love aside. Love cannot assist you. Therefore, let’s discuss health. Your health is your greatest asset. It will be harder to achieve optimal health the longer you delay taking care of your health.

Compared to someone in average health, your path to optimal health will take longer when you are sick. In addition, if you’re sick, you’ll have less energy to deal with it than someone in average health.

It becomes exponentially more challenging to regain optimal health if you fall ill.

Because of this, you must immediately begin taking care of your health:

  • Not Tomorrow.
  • Not before or after the summer parties have ended.
  • Not after the end of the year.

Right now!!


Easy Ways to Reduce Stress Every Day

Putting the gym membership on hold, which removes a significant stressor from your life, blocks blue and green light at night, assisting you in sleeping better. Meditating eliminates stress in every session.

Making sure you get enough magnesium, a mineral that helps reduce stress, by exposing your skin and eyes to sunlight, which literally gives you a natural high.

Also, when you finally feel good, start thinking about getting back into exercise. One example of health mismanagement is overtraining.

Almost everyone is mismanaging their health. Other actions you could take to mismanage your health include:


  • If you have heart disease, you may not be taking magnesium supplements or managing your blood sugar properly if you are a professional athlete. If you are still avoiding saturated fats, you may not be aware that these fats are not harmful and that the PUFA fats, which are commonly used, are toxic.
  • It’s possible that you won’t be aware that hormones are more crucial to fat loss than counting calories.
  • Making amends for minor errors can result in significant advancements. Let me give you one more illustration: sunlight.
  • You have been instructed to stay away from the sun almost entirely.

We hear that:

During the summer, you only need a few minutes of sunlight per day to make vitamin D; you can supplement with vitamin D and avoid the sun; reddening skin in the sun is a bad sign; you need to wear sunglasses in the sun. 

These assertions are not supported by any scientific evidence at all.


You require a new strategy, a new approach that makes the most of nature’s resources, like sunlight, natural foods, good sleep, stable circadian rhythms, and breathing techniques.

Medical wellness is a journey worth taking for anyone seeking optimal health. By combining conventional medical service with a holistic approach, you can achieve a balanced and comprehensive approach to wellness. 

Whether it’s through preventative measures like routine check-ups and lifestyle changes or more personalized interventions like genetic testing and nutrient therapy, there is a wealth of options available to support your journey to optimal health. 

So take the first step today, and start your journey to a happier, healthier you with Meri Sehat by your side.

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