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4 Flirtatious Trends To Go Viral On Twitter

and nds With the growing popularity of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, you might have wondered if Twitter would do the job for you as a business owner. Listen to the data. The Social Shepherd has announced that Twitter has 396.5 million users globally. These statistics firmly translate that Twitter is alive and rockin’ the Internet.

In fact, businesses have even started to embed Twitter feed on websites. They say when you have a Twitter widget on a website, it helps you establish social proof for your business. And over the past few years, Twitter has become a part of content marketing strategies. 

But here is the catch. 

In the past, going viral on platforms such as Twitter happened by chance. But it doesn’t mean going viral on Twitter cannot be strategized. If you struggle to figure out the same, we are here to help you. This blog has handpicked some of the best Twitter trends that will help you go viral on Twitter. So, without beating around the bush, let’s see what we have for you. 

Playful Trends To Go Viral On Twitter In 2023 

Before we jump into the definitive guide to viral Tweets, we need you to know that certain Tweets will never go viral. These are the Tweets that violate the rule of Twitter’s guidelines. There is a long list, but you can use your common sense while creating content for the platform. 

a). Ask For Retweets 

Retweets are the best way to make sure you go viral. But how do you get retweets? The easiest thing is to create relatable content for your target audience. Remember that relatability never goes out of fashion. 

People who love your content will retweet it without you asking for it. The more people relate to your saying, the more the chances of your post getting viral increase. 

Another great way of getting retweets is to launch a giveaway. Your customers love getting gifts. A giveaway in such a case will not only help in fetching Twitter engagement but also many retweets that you desire. 

b). Post Thought-Provoking Questions 

Do you have a hard time breaking the ice with your audience? Been there. 

One of the best ways to break the ice is to post a thought-provoking question on Twitter. You can also share some random stories in a quirky manner that resonates with your business niche. Note that your Tweet can be about something other than the burning issues or political parties to get viral.  

You can also go for topical marketing. Topic marketing is about taking advantage of current situations and molding them into marketing gimmicks. This idea of marketing strategy gains the attention of the masses. 

c). Embed Twitter Widget On the Website 

Opting to embed a Twitter widget on a website is another excellent way to dominate Twitter. As a business owner, you must understand that Twitter marketing extends beyond the website itself. You can always add a Twitter widget to your website to serve as social proof for your brand.

When you embed a Twitter feed, you invite your visitors to browse all your amusing tweets, look at your effective Twitter trends & marketing strategies, and read what your customers are saying about your company. A Twitter widget will also increase visitors’ time on your website and their interaction. 

Unexpectedly, a Twitter widget can connect your website and Twitter account smoothly.

d). Use the Right Hashtags 

Twitter and hashtags are a match made in heaven. As a business owner, you should realize that hashtags are a great way to categorize tweets. In fact, Twitter itself has said that Tweets with hashtags can increase engagement by almost 100% (2x) for individuals and 50% (1.5x) for brands. 

If you are wondering how to find these trending hashtags, we are here to help. 

You can go to the discover tab on the platform to find the right hashtags for your niche. There you will find all the trending hashtags. You can also scrutinize your search by your niche. Once you know all the trending hashtags, your next step should be to jot them down and create content around them.

What you need to take care of is to use relevant hashtags for your content. Just because a hashtag is trending does not mean you are eligible to use it. For example, if a food-related business wants to use the trending cricket hashtag, you must amalgamate these two niches and create content. You can not post the product link and use the cricket hashtag to get viral. 

In A Nutshell 

One thing you need to remember while creating Twitter content is that you have to be true to your strategies. You cannot just pick up any tactics because all the platforms’ brands are doing it. We have mentioned the best and evergreen Twitter trends and tactics that will get you viral on the platform. Be it giveaways or opting to embed Twitter feed on websites, you have got it all. 

While the giveaways help you in increasing the numbers, a Twitter widget enables you to have exposure to a larger audience. 

So don’t wait anymore. Use the trends mentioned above and see you get viral in no time. 

Daisy Smith

I’m Daisy, a full-time techie and writing enthusiast. Have served over 10000+ clients all across the world. I have a distinctive and eccentric writing style and mainly my interests are inclined toward digital marketing trends and social media & review platforms (like Instagram, FB, Google, Airbnb review widget and Twitter, etc)

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