Moving from one house to the next can be a hard job. It really doesn’t matter whether you are moving from one part of the city to the next or moving to another country entirely. Moving can prove to be a challenge that should not be handled without preparation. Take a look around your home and set aside the things that you want to carry with you to your new home and you will understand that organizing for a move is absolutely no joke. All of us are busy with our hectic schedules and no one wants to set aside time to move to a new place. Ideally, you would want your packing and moving company to take care of every packing and moving-related problem by themselves, but even hiring these packers and movers
A Few Tips for Moving
If you are getting all nervous about your move, here are a few tips to counter your moving day challenges. These tips are designed to be of use to anyone who has to make their moves from one house to the next, regardless of the distance or the overall volume/size of their belongings.
Make an Inventory
Your first step to organizing your move must be with a survey of the overall things that you wish to keep with yourself while making your move. Grab a Notepad and take a trip across your home from room to room and note down the items you want to take with you to your new house. This will give you a basic idea of what you would want to carry with you to your new house. This is also something that will come in handy after you have relocated to your new house, as you can check the things that you decided to carry with you to it.
Manage Your Essentials
Keep all your necessities with you rather than putting them in one of your packing and moving boxes. These necessities include toilet paper, a toothbrush, a pair of towels, toothpaste, a bottle of water, a basic set of tools, kitchen utensils, etc. Doing this will make sure that your sanitary and food needs are taken care of by you while the packers and movers do their job. Apart from these necessities, we recommend you keep an electric kettle, a coffee jar, and a good book to make your move even more interesting and memorable than it would have been otherwise.
Simplify Your Move by Purging
After taking an inventory of the items you mean to carry with you, try to get rid of the items that you don’t mean to carry with you any longer. Carrying what you need with what you don’t need will not only make your entire move bulkier than it needs to be, you will be charged more by the packers and movers as the weight and volume of the consignment will increase with the amount of luggage you will have.
Inquire about the items that you are not carrying with you that might be of use to your friends and neighbours. If you are living in an apartment or condo, consider offering the things you don’t need to other tenants.
You can donate these items. Thrift stores and homeless shelters will happily accept clothes and furniture. You can also choose to throw these things away, but we think this particular option should only be considered a last resort.
Categorize Your Items
After taking care of the items you don’t need to carry with you to your new home, pack all the similar items in your inventory together. This means that all the items that are meant for the kitchen must be packed together, but it is not recommended that you pack fragile bone china plates with cast iron frying pans, as the prior can easily be damaged by the latter. Also, for complex machines and detachable furniture, make sure their sets are kept entirely in one box and one box only. Finally, make sure that all the sharp metallic objects are packed in plastic bags with tapes and tied together with the items they belong to.
Boxes and Labels for Everything
Make sure that everything is packed in little boxes and these boxes are labelled according to what they hold. This means that all the boxes must be packed and sorted according to the materials they are constituted of. This once again means that fragile items must be kept near other fragile items and also on the safer side of the transport vehicle. Labelling items can also prove to be a godsend while unpacking these boxes individually. Carrying each and every item from these boxes to their respective rooms can prove to be too much of a hassle.
Supervise Your Move
Make sure you are vigilant as the transport vehicle takes your consignment to your destination. This step is necessary as the transport vehicle will be carrying all your possessions and losing sight of them is not at all advisable. There are a lot of things that can go wrong if you don’t supervise your move as efficiently as possible. You should regularly communicate with the driver of the transport vehicle and make sure both you and he are on the same page when it comes to transporting your possessions to your new destination.
Rearrange your belongings yourself
After the consignment has reached its destination, make sure that only the heavier furniture and electric appliances such as the television, fridge, air conditioner, cooler, etc. are carried and set up by workers/packers and movers Mumbai to Hyderabad. The rest of your luggage should be arranged by you as it really minimizes the chance of these things being misplaced and stolen.
You will also be able to find the things you need when you need them quite easily if you arrange your stuff yourself. And finally, it will provide your new home with a distinct identity based on how you choose to rearrange your stuff.
There are a lot of facets of packing and moving and doing it solo is quite an endeavour. However, if you chose to simplify your move, as explained in this article, we are confident that your move to the destination of your choice will be both manageable and exciting.
We hope you found this article useful and informative. Remember to keep yourself hydrated and have a healthy diet.
Author Bio:- Vishal