Janam kundli In Hindi is consider to have special significance in Hinduism. It displays your birth details. The planetary constellations are calculate on the basis of your date, time and place of birth in the birth chart. By which you get information about your nature, nature, career, education, love and future. Horoscope for every person is such an important letter through which problems in his life can be solve.
It is say that the fate of a person is determine before his birth and after birth this fortune is linked with the horoscope in the form of kundli. That’s why most of the people get the horoscope made at the time of the birth of the child.
Know About Your Janam Kundli?
In making each love horoscope, 12 boxes are made, which are call in the language of astrology by the name of Bhava. There are 12 zodiac signs in astrology, these zodiac signs are used in making birth charts. There are different houses for each zodiac and each house has a zodiac sign. The planetary constellations are calculated on the basis of your date, time, place of birth in the horoscope. Like in which constellation the person was born, in which ascendant and in which zodiac sign? In which house are the Navagrahas in the horoscope? Which planets are making which yoga? Which doshas are present in the horoscope etc. is considered by the horoscope.
With the help of horoscopes, information about the past, present and future of a person is obtain. Through Kundli, one can get complete details about the position of the Sun, Moon and other planets in the zodiac signs and constellations.
Janam Kundli, which is form at the time of birth, is made on the basis of a birth chart and is very important in a person’s life, on the basis of birth chart, it can be told. What will be the present past and future of that person? Horoscopes are different from each other i.e. in simple words it can be said that everyone’s future past present is different, all the actions that happen in our life are related to our horoscope. What was the condition of the planets at the time of birth, many times the yogas are made good in the birth chart?
And the planet is also in a strong state, but still the person does not get auspicious results because the planet becomes weak in the Varga Kundali, that is why the Varga Kundali is considered to be of utmost importance in Vedic Astrology. get in. If the planet is strong in the birth chart and the respective class is weak in the horoscope, then favorable results are not available and if the planet is weak in the birth chart and strong in the respective class, then after some obstacles, the results are favorable. Today in this webcast we will talk about the importance of love horoscopes in Vedic astrology.
The Lagna, Ascendant and related Bhavas and Bhaves of the Varga Kundali are analyze. As the Saptansh Kundali is calculate for the children, so the Ascendant, Ascendant, Fifth House and Panchmesh of the Saptansh Kundali will be seem. The position of the fifth house of the birth chart will be seem in the seventh also, then a decision is reach.
Do You Believe In Janam Kundli?
Yes, you should believe in kundli online. The concept of “janam kundali” or horoscopes is rooted in the unscientific belief that the time and place of a person’s birth and thus the arrangement of the stars and planets at a given moment in time somehow determines their life trajectory.
First, it contradicts the concept of “free will.” If an individual’s events and ultimate goal are already mapp out the moment they are born, then their choice should not matter. This would mean that we are nothing more than mindless automatons, meaningless moving cogs in a gigantic piece of machinery, which is both terrifying and depressing.
Fortunately, this is not the case. Individuals make regular choices. We chose not to kill, Chose to follow the law. We choose to be generous, even though there is nothing in it for us except a certain sense of dignity. If there was no free will, there would be no conscious discoveries. No new inventions. Why take the more strenuous path when everything you do takes you down the same path?
Second, astrology has not kept pace with modern scientific progress. For example, Hindu astrology or Jyotisha-shastra was developing at least 1800 years ago. It has hardly changed since then. While we discovered many more planets and moons, we discovered that the earth is not the center of the universe and that it revolves around the sun and not the other way around, and that much of the universe is “invisible” which manifests itself in the form of dark matter and dark energy, Indian Jyotisha -shashtra still follows the concept of navagrahas or ‘nine planets’. However, these “planets” include the sun, the moon, and two fictitious gigantic demons named Rahu and Ketu. The outer planets, Uranus and Neptune, are not include because they will discovering later. While science tries to reconcile all its older beliefs and assumptions with newer discoveries, astrology ignores it.
Third, the whole idea that all individuals can be classified into the 12 zodiac signs, or “Rashi” in Hindu astrology, is arbitrarily reductionist. This should mean that the world can be divide into 12 groups of about 600 million people each, and all these 600 million people should have some common features. But then you have billionaires and geniuses who share the same “classification” with people born into extreme poverty or with pre-existing mental and physiological conditions.
Finally, there are people born at the exact same time and place – twins, triplets, and the like. But then again, empirical evidence suggests that even closely-born people. Who also share nearly the same genetic makeup end up leading radically different lives. Astrological “experts” usually try to explain this by saying that the delay of two births, even by mere seconds. Can lead to changes in cosmic alignment and thus to two very different horoscopes.
If this is indeed true, it throws the whole concept of zodiac signs out the window. And then there’s the fact that astrology rarely takes into account phenomena like precession and cosmic inflation and the death of stars, etc.
Mostly Asked Question About Janam Kundli
What Is A Horoscope?
Janam Kundli is a magazine telling the position and direction of the planets at the time of your birth, on the basis of which the future is imagine. Janam Kundli is important in predicting how your future is going to be. Also through this, we can get information about our present and past.
What Is The Difference Between Lagna Kundli And Janam Kundli?
Both are one and the same. It is call by many names i.e. in different ways like Janam Kundli or Lagna Kundli or Janam Lagna etc.
Is An Online Horoscope Helpful?
Due to the increasing use of the Internet, nowadays it has become quite easy to make and analyze kundli online. Today an online horoscope proves to be as reliable as a horoscope made by an astrologer. With our trusted app, you can not only create your own horoscope but also do kundli matching in an easy way.
When Should A Horoscope Be Made?
A horoscope helps a person to take major decisions in his life. The decisions taken by the horoscope take you towards heights. In this way, you do not fail in any task. On the other hand, if there is any kind of defect or deficiency in your horoscope. Then this solution can also be find in the person’s horoscope. You can make your life happy by fasting, remedies, worship, etc. As given on the basis of the horoscope, so the horoscope should be make as soon as possible.
What Details Do We Need To Get Information About Kundli?
To know the love horoscope, you must have the exact date of birth, time of birth and place of birth details. It helps to find the position of planets by date of birth. The time of birth and the place of birth gives the position of the house and other houses. Planetary position and house position these two things help in predicting your horoscope and life.