How to easily download Instagram media using KeepPost for Free?

Instagram is a place where we all love to share our moments. Even chatting with followers and commenting on or reacting to posts are more interesting than anywhere else. As a social media platform, it is one of the most appraised places during the last few years. In this post, we are expounding about KeepPost for Free. Though it does not directly connect to Instagram there is a special purpose for suggesting it. Because we all want to save something special we see on social media or the web, KeepPost for Free is going to help you in place of an online media downloader.
Those who are using the KeepPost tool can download Instagram media to their devices for free. Since there is no other way to download media from IG, this is going to be an important thing to bookmark. You should know how cherished is KeepPost if you are ever worried about the inability of saving Instagram media. So let’s see what is it and how to use it.
KeepPost for Free to download Instagram media
As we started the clarification, KeepPost for Free is a tool is designed as an online media downloader. KeepPost is an online tool that can be used whenever without installation. Since it is based on its very own website, those who wish to use can search KeepPost for Free website and download whatever post they like. You can save several files using the tool without any bother. But, there you cannot request all the files at the same time. Simply paste and download one after the other. It is uncountable and even absolutely free to download files as much as you need.
However, this is the easiest method of saving media from Instagram. It has a simple interface that users can simply apply the post link and download the related file. When you visit the page, you can see the download button and the download address bar. There is nothing to direct specifically. Just visit and understand what you have to do. If you do not sure about the steps to go through, just follow our step guide below.
How to download Instagram media?
Important facts
Here you can use your Android device or iPhone, iPad, Mac, or Windows computer as you prefer. And when you have to launch the web browser, it could be whatever is that easy for you. Remember that the device should be connected to Wi-Fi from the very beginning to the end of KeepPost for Free.
Those who are using smartphones can use the Instagram app. Or if you are on your desktop, just go through its web version. When you search for something on Insta, you can use hashtags or it does not matter use keywords or directly visit whatever profile by using its username.
Whatever post that you are going to download should be shared as a public post. Otherwise, KeepPost for Free cannot download private posts. The entire process of the tool is free. So do not follow fake directions and make any payment.
KeepPost Online Downloader can only download Instagram posts for you. If it is any other platform where you have pictures or videos to download, it is better to find some other tool.
Step guide
- You can search and find an Instagram photo or video or else you may already have a post. Just open the post you wish to save and click its options list
- Then select the Copy link option and go to the KeepPost for Free page
- Find the place to paste the link and apply it right away
- Then click the download button you see there. KeepPost will go through CDN servers and prepare the file
- Within a couple of seconds, the preview will open
- So you can select the second download button that you see on the interface and end the process
- The file will save to the gallery
Having a trustworthy tool for saving Instagram videos and pictures is great. Thanks to the developer of KeepPost for Free we can save any kind of media file from IG. It does not matter even if it is yours or someone else’s post. Simply copy and paste the post URL to the tool and save the picture or video that you want offline. You can bring your smartphone or else computer or laptop. The browser you are going to use is not a fact to consider at all. It can be Google, Safari, Google Chrome, or whatsoever. Do not forget to share KeepPost for Free with your contacts. Without a tool like KeepPost Downloader, no one can download a single photo or video from Instagram. Bookmark the page of KeepPost for Free. So that it will be easier for you. Or else searching and visiting the KeepPost page is not difficult.