What is work health and safety, and why is it important?

According to the research, Australia has a record of hundreds of work-related deaths yearly. These deaths are 15% of the total deaths that year in the country. Additionally, injuries and damage are other aspects related to the workplace. Consequently, workers and their families suffer human suffering, emotional trauma, and pain. Hence, the need for Work Health and Safety is evident from it.
Security and safety are required to feel safe in the workplace. If you are a student pursuing a business management career, you will come across that unit SITXWHS001, which contains all the information related to work health and safety. Also, to understand this topic thoroughly, you can search for SITXWHS001 assessment answers from highly qualified experts. This unit has been proven essential for someone planning to do business in the future.
Understanding the concept of WHS is essential, and this blog can help you with it. In this blog, you will learn everything about WHS and its importance.
Are you ready to gain knowledge? Hell yes!
Without any delay, let’s move further.
An introduction to WHS
Workplace Safety and Health is a series of structured and implemented practices to reduce or prevent the possibility of any harm like injury, illness, etc., in the workplace. It is a consistent and essential process for business owners to follow efficiently.
If we talk specifically about the WHS, then it is the complex topic one is inclined to follow. There are so many laws and regulations in Australia that businesses should ensure the safety of employees in the workplace. These laws and practices aim to ensure that every employee feels safe in the workplace and goes home safe at the end of the day. One should never forget that WHS policies are for certain businesses and small to large businesses.
Objectives of WHS
Hazard Recognition
Identification and spotting anything or activity that might result in harm in the workplace.
Risk Evaluation
Recognition of probabilities of danger that might cause injury or damage to the worker and to what extent.
Damage Control of hazards and risk
Taking necessary steps to protect the, discard or decrease dangers and their possible risks at the workplace.
Difference between WHS Vs OHS
Now, many people confuse the terms WHS and OHS. Students without knowledge often misunderstand their abbreviations and make mistakes while writing SITXWHS001 assessment answers independently.
To clear this doubt, let’s have a brief about the differences between both:
OHS is Occupational Health and Safety, and there is no specific difference between WHS and OHS. Both terms are used synonymously, and both of them denote health and safety in the workplace.
WHS is the new name when describing OHS in Australia. In 2011, a new law was imposed in Australia regarding work health and safety by Safe Work Australia. Since then, the term WHS has come into general use. Before that, OHS policies were different in every state in the Australia.
Therefore, WHS provides monotonous guidelines throughout the country to achieve a safe workplace. The WHS Act and regulations give states and territories the liberty to the stimulate health and safety laws that are uniform throughout the country.
WHS laws and regulations in Australia
Maintaining workplace health and safety is very essential for every employer and comes under a legal responsibility in Australia. The workplace health and safety model has been a format to reduce the possibility of harm to the employees during work hours. As a result, every employer is legally inclined to recognise or form a team to identify the hazardous risks in the workplace that have a chance of giving birth to any injury, damage, or illness to the employee.
A set of single laws of WHS, which Safe Work Australia forms for effective implementation across Australia, is called “model laws”. It comprises that before the laws get strictly implemented and become binding, they should be approved by higher authorities and adopted by all states and territories of Australia.
Importance of Workplace Health and Safety
With the implementation of WHS policies, employees and employees can get the best out of their time being productive as there will be fewer chances of any risk of damage or illness. Also, it will make the work environment healthy and efficient.
In order words, we can say that WHS policies prevent death and life, prevent injuries and damage, and helps business to gain productivity and make more profit in their business.
If you want to pursue a career in business management or be an entrepreneur, then you should know how important it is to make your employees, anyone working under you, feel safe and at home, even in the workplace. Studying and completing your assignment by taking online assignment help from experts is not enough to understand the concept of WHS. If you are doing a certain kind of business, you must look after your employee’s safety. Be it the equipment they are using or the room temperature they are working in, the electric appliances they use daily, the health of office premises, etc. However, there are also many related laws that come under employee safety. Moreover, if you have ample employees and can’t look after each of them, you can hire a team of WHS work health and safety that will work for it. Being the owner and a person with authority, you need to ensure that there will be no risk of harm to your employees.