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Data Analyst: A Profile Overview

A data analyst is responsible for gathering, cleaning, and evaluating data sets to answer questions or solve problems. They work in several fields such as business, finance, criminal justice, science, medicine, and government.

However, they are majorly involved in answering a few questions like What types of clients should a company target in its next advertising campaign? What age group is most susceptible to a specific disease? What behavioral tendencies are associated with financial fraud? All these questions are part of their daily job routine, and they must answer them based on the required data. Therefore, Data Analyst online training in India helps the aspirants to enter the professional world and makes them stand apart from the crowd.

Data analysis: Meaning

Data Analysis is the way of extracting results from data to make better business decisions. The analysis of data generally proceeds through five stages:

  1. Determine the data that you will analyze.
  2. Gather the information
  3. Clean the data before analyzing it.
  4. Examine the data
  5. Analyze the data and interpret them

Roles & Responsibilities of Data Analyst

A data analyst is responsible for collecting and analyzing data to solve a specific problem. This job not only requires a lot of time spent with data, but it also requires conveying discoveries.

Thus, many data analysts conduct the following roles & responsibilities:

Data collection

Analysts frequently acquire data on their own. Thus, acquiring surveys, tracking visitor characteristics on a firm website, or purchasing datasets from data collecting professionals might fall under this category.

Cleaning Data

Raw data may include duplicates, mistakes, or outliers. However, data cleaning refers to keeping the data quality intact in a spreadsheet or computer language so that your interpretations are neither incorrect nor biased.

Data Modelling

This aspect of Data analysis requires constructing and designing database structures. Also, you could decide what type of data to retain and gather, how to connect data categories, and how to display them.

Interpretation of Data

Data interpretation involves identifying trends in data that will assist you in answering the subject.


Communicating the outcomes of your research will be a significant component of Data Analysis. You can complete this with the help of visualizations like charts and graphs, generating reports, and presenting information to interested parties.

Different Data Analysts Tool

Data Analysts frequently employ a broad range of tools to improve the accuracy and efficiency of their workflow during the data analysis process. Thus, the following are some of the most often used tools in the data analytics industry:

  1. Excel by Microsoft
  2. Google Spreadsheets
  3. SQL
  4. Tableau
  5. Python or R
  6. SAS
  7. Power BI
  8. Notebooks for Jupyter

Skills Required for Data Analysts Professional

Though there are several paths to becoming a data analyst, the first and foremost requirement to work as a data analyst is to acquire new skills. These skills are as follows:

Database tools

Microsoft Excel and SQL should be the mainstays in the toolset of any data analyst. Though they use Excel most of the time across sectors, SQL can handle large data volumes and is a must-have tool for data analysis professionals.

Programming languages

Learning a statistical programming language, such as Python or R, can allow you to work with enormous amounts of data and solve complicated equations. Although Python and R are two of the most popular, it’s beneficial to look at several job descriptions for a career you want to work in.

Data visualization

Being a good data analyst requires the individual to present results clearly and convincingly. However, knowing how to communicate information using charts and graphs can ensure that your colleagues, employers, and stakeholders understand your work. Moreover, you can create graphics and visuals using various programs like Tableau, Jupyter Notebook, and Excel.

Statistics and Math

Understanding the fundamentals underlying what data tools accomplish will benefit your business. A thorough understanding of statistics and arithmetic can help you select which techniques are appropriate to solve a specific problem and identify mistakes in your data.


To conclude, we have compiled a career guide, starting from the roles and responsibilities to the skills necessary to become data analysts. Thus, getting a data analyst certification will create multiple job opportunities for individuals and make you stand apart from the crowd. Also, you can take the help of the Data Analyst course in Gurgaon to start your professional journey.

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